Decrease your group health plan's premiums by separating seniors into a separate group plan - Premier Senior Health Plan!
Elective Benefits Inc. is offering employers the exclusive opportunity to sponsor Premier Senior Health Plan (PSHP) for their retirees, actives, and spouses age 65 and over.
PSHP is a tax-advantaged group Medicare Supplement & Rx plan designed to cover out-of-pocket expenses that are covered but not paid in full by Medicare.
PSHP Features
- No health questions
- Sponsor & enroll any time of year
- Multiple plan design options
- Plan can be employer-paid or member-paid
- 100% portable into retirement
- Superior member support
Medical Features
- See the same doctors & hospitals as your current plan
- Self-refer nationwide without network limitations
- Coverage down to one person
Rx Features (Medicare Part D)
- Largest Rx carrier in the country
- Plans with full coverage through the "donut hole"
- Coverage down to two people